Lesson Two: Writing Your Lead Magnet

Module Seven /

The Copy Society / 

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As you may have seen in the last lesson and in the lead magnet brainstorming sheet,
there's more than one way to create a lead magnet. In fact, there are DOZENS of ways to create a lead magnet. 

It's quite possible if you're creating templates, a spreadsheet, a calculator, or something that ISN'T a guide, you may not be doing very much writing at all. That's totally okay! One format isn't necessarily better than another. It's simply about choosing the format
that will best support your idea and, ultimately, lead the right people into your email list.

Also, in the future, you may have more than one lead magnet. But I don't want you to worry about that right now. Instead, focus on what that cornerstone lead magnet will be for your business, and let's throw energy at that first before we try to do more.

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