Here, you’ll begin by generating an idea your audience wants, as well as learning about the different formats for your lead magnet. There are a lot of possibilities here, and you’ll find that this section of the course is really customizable depending on your goals. 

Next, you’ll learn about the rhetorical moves to make in a lead magnet, guided by specific examples. Finally, you’ll also see a bonus lesson included here sharing more details about what tripwires are and how they work, so you can consider if it fits into your overall strategy.

Welcome to Module Seven!

Lessons in this module

In this lesson, you'll learn about different types of lead magnets, how to generate an idea your audience will want to download, and more best practices.

Lesson 1: Generating Ideas Your Audience Wants (8 min.)


Discover the rhetorical moves to make in a lead magnet, as well as things to consider as you turn your idea into a lead magnet.

Lesson 2: Writing Your Lead Magnet (6 min.)


Learn what a tripwire is, how it works, and consider if it fits into your current strategy.

Bonus Lesson: Tripwires - What They Are and How They Work (4 min.)


How to grow your email list with quizzes as lead magnets.


Bonus Lesson: Tripwires - QUIZ WORKSHOP