MODULE 9: Content Strategy and Blogging
MODULE 8: Email Sequences
MODULE 7: Lead Magnets
MODULE 6: Sales and Landing Pages
MODULE 5: Website Copywriting
Module 4:Website Strategy and SEO
Module 3: Brand Messaging
Lesson 2: Copy Foundations Resources
Lesson 1: Copy Foundations
Module 2: Research and Excavations
Module 1: Copy Foundations
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Bonus Module 2
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
In this lesson, you will learn about Hotjar, visitor recordings, the 3 types of heatmaps (click maps, scroll maps, and move maps), and how to use them to analyze your website. You may use this as an opportunity to assess your current website, or, if you prefer (or don't have a website yet!), a moment to learn about how heatmaps work so you may use these later on, post website copywriting.
Lesson Transcript
Lesson Three: Website Heatmaps Training
Take Action
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