MODULE 9: Content Strategy and Blogging
MODULE 8: Email Sequences
MODULE 7: Lead Magnets
MODULE 6: Sales and Landing Pages
MODULE 5: Website Copywriting
Module 4:Website Strategy and SEO
Module 3: Brand Messaging
Lesson 2: Copy Foundations Resources
Lesson 1: Copy Foundations
Module 2: Research and Excavations
Module 1: Copy Foundations
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Bonus Module 2
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
TCS About page Framework Document
Now that you've written your homepage, it's time to work on your about page. Click to download the about page framework below, and watch the following videos for guidance through the 5-point framework.
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