MODULE 9: Content Strategy and Blogging
MODULE 8: Email Sequences
MODULE 7: Lead Magnets
MODULE 6: Sales and Landing Pages
MODULE 5: Website Copywriting
Module 4:Website Strategy and SEO
Module 3: Brand Messaging
Lesson 2: Copy Foundations Resources
Lesson 1: Copy Foundations
Module 2: Research and Excavations
Module 1: Copy Foundations
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Bonus Module 2
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
Lesson 6: Lesson headline here
Lesson 5: Lesson headline here
Lesson 4: Lesson headline here
Lesson 3: Lesson headline here
Lesson 2: Lesson headline here
Lesson 1: Lesson headline here
Lesson Snapshot/Intro
Bonus Module 2
Bonus Module 1
Module 4: Module headline here
Module 3: Module headline here
Module 2: Module headline here
Module 1: Module headline here
TCS Contact page Framework
Yay! You're almost done. Your final step is to compose your contact page, and then you have a full website copywriting document.
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